The 40 day challenge that will change your body &
create life long habits. 
This program is built on over 20 years of personal training experience, 11 years of gym ownership, and 5 years of parenthood. Our priorities may change over time and that may affect our habits but with FRESH40 we can start on the path of becoming the best version of ourselves. 
  • April 17 - May 26
  • Discovery call to discuss and plan your custom challenge
  • Intro zoom call April 14 @ 5pm
  • Workout every day for 40 days
  • Minimum of one workout per week that is something you don't normally do. ie: yoga, hiking, rock climbing...
  • Eat only meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, and grains. (Nutrition plans available)
  • No added sugars or highly processed foods. 
  • Monitor your body composition weekly


  • 6 destination workouts (ie: hiking, rock climbing, etc...) 
  • ​Team of personal trainers ready to guide and support you
  • ​Custom 40 day training plan
  • ​Customized nutrition plan
  • ​Body suit to take home for private body composition tracking
  • Custom app to track your fitness, nutrition, and progress
  • ​Party to celebrate your accomplishments
  •  Up to 40 personal training sessions (30 or 55 min)
  • ​Up to 20 guided group workouts
  • ​6 destination workouts (ie: hiking, rock climbing, etc...) 
  • ​Custom training plans if traveling
  • ​Customized nutrition plan
  • ​Body suit to take home for private body composition tracking
  • Custom app to track your fitness, nutrition, and progress
  • ​Party to celebrate your accomplishments
  •  Schedule your discovery call
  • Plan your training schedule and nutrition goals with your coaches
  •  Join the intro zoom call on April 14th @ 5pm
  • ​Kick ass for the next 40 days!
  • ​Party to celebrate your accomplishments
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